Critique of Moishe Postone’s „Time, Labor and Social Domination“

Hermann Lueer has written a worthwhile critique of Moishe Postone’s work „Time, Labor, and Social Domination“. You can find the text here: Hermann Lueer: On the Critique of Moishe Postone’s »Time, Labor and Social Domination« „Postone’s critique is therefore not just an academic misunderstanding; it actively undermines social revolution by denying the basis of workers’ self-emancipation.… Continue reading Critique of Moishe Postone’s „Time, Labor and Social Domination“

IDA@Historical Materialism (London)

On the 8th of November, we will present our concept of “firm-based planning” at this year’s Historical Materialism Conference in London. Our panel, along with others, has been organized by INDEP, the International Network for Democratic Economic Planning.   Presentation abstract: Firm Based Planning in the Socialist Economy The GIC (Group of International Economists)… Continue reading IDA@Historical Materialism (London)

New brochure: “Labor-Time, Not Money”

Even today, all businesses are required to plan. But how can they do this using labor time instead of money? Economist Guenther Sandleben explores this question in this new IDA brochure, demonstrating how an economy based on labor time would promote transparency, efficiency, and social justice. In a society freed from the law of value,… Continue reading New brochure: “Labor-Time, Not Money”

Russian Translation Paul Mattick

We hereby share a new Russian translation of Paul Mattick’s Introduction to the Fundamental Principles of Communist Production and Distribution from 1970. The introduction in English can be found here: This introduction is undoubtedly worth reading, but it also raises some questions and does not fully reflect the position of our association. In particular,… Continue reading Russian Translation Paul Mattick

Discussion about our strategy

Both Aníbal and Fredo reacted quite quickly to our strategy paper, which we wrote not least in response to their previous criticism of various of our positions (see link: We would like to refer to these criticisms here on our blog, as we expressly welcome a critical debate on the practical-political issues surrounding the… Continue reading Discussion about our strategy

On our Strategy

On our Strategy A Response to Two Critiques Preliminary Remarks This is a rather quick and not fully theoretized reaction to critical comments by Aníbal [LINK] and Fredo Corvo [LINK] on several of our texts, which the two have also translated into Spanish and English. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the… Continue reading On our Strategy

Towards an Old Socialism

Bei Arbeitszeitrechnung denke viele zuerst an die Theorie von Cockshott und Cottrell. Wir haben uns ihren Klassiker „Alternativen aus dem Rechner“ und ihr neuestes Buch „Economic Planning in an Age of Climate Crisis“ genauer angeschaut.


We would like to point out some translations: The lecture text by Felix Klopotek is now available in English: Future State, Socialization, Labor-Time Accounting. Our response to the critique of Grupo Krisis has been translated into Spanish by Aníbal: Respuesta a la crítica del Grupo Krisis Our text from Jungle World was translated into English… Continue reading Translations

Categorised as General

Felix Klopotek: Future State, Socialization, Labour-Time Accounting

Felix Klopotek has kindly provided us with an edited transcript of his presentation in January 2022. We are pleased to publish the text herewith. A pdf version can be found here. Future State, Socialization, Labour-Time Accounting The »Fundamental Principles of Communist Production and Distribution« in Historical Context Lecture by Felix Klopotek at the Museum of… Continue reading Felix Klopotek: Future State, Socialization, Labour-Time Accounting